laluna13 :: Manic-depressive



An affective disorder characterized by alternating moods of excitement and elation (manic phase) and despondency and sadness (depressive phase), often with periods of normalcy in between.


Past entries

Site version 2.0
Computer blues
Birthday cards
Wish list
Again, again, again...
Being number 2
The dreaded "T"
There's no place like home
New Year 2000 resolutions
At the threshold of
the 21st century

Diary of a madwoman?


3 September 2001


Since I'm redesigning my site yet again, that means I have to change the layout of my diary as well (otherwise the design wouldn't be cohesive).

But you can still read my journal, just follow the link! My diary is...duh?...of course, laluna13.



Admission | Poster Girl | Manic-depressive | Obsessive-compulsive
Digressions | Placebo | Group Therapy | Visitors